We are open 7 days. Availability is limited. We recommend booking in advance.


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Community Sponsorship Enquiry

Reach out to Hobbiton Movie Set with Your Sponsorship or Funding Request!

Here at Hobbiton Movie Set, we believe in supporting and fostering community groups and initiatives! If you have a fantastic project in mind or a meaningful cause close to your heart, we'd love to hear about it. Hobbiton Movie Set endeavours to support a wide variety of causes, events, and projects – giving back to our local community groups and initiatives throughout the Waikato and wider Aotearoa New Zealand.

We particularly welcome requests that fit within one of our four sponsorship pillars: community (local events, charities, and fundraisers), education (local school projects, festivals, and competitions), the arts (filmmaking, drama/theatre, music, etc), and sports (teams, competitions, and events).

Share your story and aspirations with us in the contact form below, and a member of our Sponsorship Team will be in touch. We look forward to hearing your sponsorship or funding request.  

Get in Touch


If you wish to send through any additional or supporting documents,
please email us

Note: Submitted enquiries are sent to our Sponsorship Team, who will endeavour to evaluate and respond to your request within two weeks. Hobbiton Movie Set reserves the right to decline requests that do not align with our values and/or funding criteria, as well as requests that are received less than two weeks before the funding cut-off date for your event or cause.