With a drink in hand, sample the delicious Hobbit delights on offer that includes all things that keeps a Hobbits cheeks plump and as is the tradition in the Shire™ - second helpings are encouraged!
Outside the Inn, immerse yourself in the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of the bustling Marketplace. Sample some tasty morsels from the individually themed stalls bursting with traditional Hobbit fare. Freshly baked artisan breads, fresh produce from the Hobbiton gardens, a Hobbit themed BBQ and harvest stalls with shire-grown vegetables will be on offer.
For those with a hobbit-sized appetite, visit the fully themed Party Marquee where you can sit back and enjoy a seated buffet meal at your leisure. The Marquee is a replica of the tent seen at Bilbo’s eleventy first birthday party. The exterior is beautifully created from yellow painted canvas and the interior is fully themed with colourful bunting and lanterns creating a festival-like atmosphere.
At the end of the evening, you will re-join your guide for a walk through the Movie Set, the trails will be illuminated to help light the way for this stunning journey under moonlight.
Tickets are limited.
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