Hobbiton Movie Set is open 7 days. Availability is very limited. Bookings essential.


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Available from 1 October 2023. Hobbiton™ Movie Set delivered by our expert guides in Mandarin.



您将在占地12英亩的外景地内观光游览;经过霍比特人洞™,磨坊,进入世界著名的绿龙™酒馆,在那里您将获得免费的独家霍比特™ 南区™ 饮品,结束您的中土世界™ (Middle-earth™) 冒险之旅。

普通话讲解导览体验每天从夏尔小憩(501 Buckland Road, Matamata) 出发,时间为上午 8点50分、中午 12点20分 和下午 3点50分。

这是由我们的普通话导游主持的导览体验。在无法预料的情况下,霍比屯电影外景地保留将此导览体验更改为英文讲解的权利。如有需要,购票人将在导览游出发前 24 小时内收到通知,并可以选择将预订移到下一个普通话导览游或继续参加原订时间的导览游,我们会提供相应的内容介绍。

Please note this tour is entirely conducted in Mandarin, by booking this product visitors must meet our conditions of entry.

Chinese Tour from The Shire’s Rest™ - 从 2023 年 12 月 1 日起 夏尔™出发的中文导览团

全新的冒险体验!2023 年 12 月 1 日起,所有导览团都将包括探索袋边街霍比特人房屋内部的体验部分。 此区域将于 2023 年 4 月 1 日至 11 月 30 日期间展开建设,仅可在此日期之后开始预订。 点击此处了解有关旅游体验的更多信息。

成人(18岁及以上) (18+ years)
青年(11至17岁)14岁及以下必须有成年人陪同. (11-17 years). Youth 14 years or younger must be accompanied by a full paying adult.
儿童/婴儿(0至10岁)儿童和婴儿免费,但是必须凭票进团, 必须有成年人陪同。如果您的团队里有儿童,请务必购票。CHILD/INFANT (0-10 years). Children and infants are FREE but MUST have a ticket allocated prior to arrival and be accompanied by a full paying adult. Please book a ticket for all children travelling in your group.
家庭票(包括 2 名成人和 2 名青少年)。 人数超出的部分可按上述价格购买额外所需的门票,请务必在购票时一同选择。 请务必给您团队中的每个儿童购买门票。FAMILY PASS (includes 2x Adults and 2x Youth). Additional tickets can be added at rates above and must be booked at time of purchase. Please include a ticket for every child in your group.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • 霍比屯电影外景地普通话导览团如何进行?How does the Hobbiton Movie Set Chinese Tour work?

    Hobbiton Movie Set is only accessible via a guided tour experience.


    A Mandarin-speaking tour of Hobbiton Movie Set comprises of:

    • A short bus ride from The Shire's Rest to the movie set
    • A 1 hour 15 minute guided walking tour
    • A 20 minute visit to The Green Dragon Inn including a complimentary beverage
    • At the end of your experience, you will walk with your guide back to the bus and take another short bus ride to The Shire's Rest


    • 从夏尔乘坐短途巴士即可到达景区
    • 1小时15分钟的徒步导览游
    • 20分钟绿龙酒馆参观时间,包括一杯免费酒水饮料
    • 导览游结束后,您将与导游一起步行返回巴士,乘坐短途巴士返回夏尔

    These times are approximate only and may differ slightly for your tour experience. 

    Our Mandarin Tours are a shared group service, meaning you will be joining a larger group of other visitors while on tour with us. The maximum group size is 41 for this tour. 

    Tours that include a meal (like Evening Banquet Tour and Second Breakfast Tour) include additional time on the Movie Set but all experiences with us begin with a guided tour as detailed above. Mandarin Tours are available on specific departure times only (8.50am, 12.20pm & 3.50pm). All other tour departures are offered in English only.





  • 夏尔小憩是什么地方?What is The Shire's Rest?

    The Shire's Rest™ is our headquarters and location where our Chinese tours depart from. It is located at 501 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata.

    It is located approximately 15 minutes from Matamata town centre, and from here it is about a 10 minute bus ride to the Movie Set which is included in our tours.

    You do not need to book a tour to visit The Shire's Rest. On site here at The Shire's Rest is our Ticketing Centre, Retail Shop and Cafe. There is ample parking here on site, with plenty of space for large vehicles and camper vans too. 

    夏尔小憩™ 是我们的总部所在,也是普通话导览游的出发地。 地址位于 501 Buckland Road, Hinuera, Matamata。

    距离玛塔玛塔镇中心约 15 分钟车程,从这里乘坐巴士约 10 分钟即可到达我们的景区入口。

    您无需预订即可到访夏尔小憩。这里有我们的票务中心,纪念品商店和咖啡馆。 区域内有充足的停车位,也有足够的空间停放大型车辆和露营车。

  • 我可以在导览游中拍摄照片和视频吗?Can I take photos and videos while on tour?

    Of course! We want you to take photos and capture memories while on tour with us. Please use handheld equipment only as drone use is not permitted. 

    Please be aware though that any photos and video recordings taken on set are for personal use only and not to be sold or distributed for commercial gain due to our licensing agreements with the film companies. 

    当然! 我们希望您能在参加导览游时拍照摄影,留下美好回忆。 请使用手持设备,场地内禁止使用无人机。


  • 在官网上搜索不同的导览游选项时,“无出发”或“已订满”是什么意思?What does 'No Departure' or 'Fully Booked' mean when searching for a tour on your website?

    When you are searching for a tour on our website, there are four statuses that may appear - No Departure, Fully Booked, Book Now - Limited Places and Book Now. 


    No Departure means that the tour experience you are searching for is not available on that date. 


    Fully Booked means that all tickets for that tour experience on that date are sold out. 


    Book Now - Limited Places will appear with a gold button and red writing below. This means that there are only a small amount of tickets left (9 or less) for that tour experience on that date. We recommend booking as soon as possible if you are hoping to join one of these tours as when tickets are fully booked we cannot increase capacity. 

    立即预订 - 名额有限会以红色字样出现,并带有一个金色按钮。 这表示当日该出发班次只剩下少量门票(9 张或更少)。 如果您希望参加此班次导览,我们建议尽快预订,因为一旦门票售罄,我们无法增加任何位置。

    Book Now will appear with a gold button with white writing on it. This means that there are greater than 10 seats available for that tour experience on that date. We still recommend pre-booking as far in advance as you can to avoid missing the tour day and time that best suits your itinerary. 

    立即预订会以白色字样出现,并带有一个金色按钮。 这表示当日该出发班次有10 个以上的位置可供选择。 我们仍然建议您尽可能提前预订,以免错过最适合您行程的游览日期和时间。

  • 新的冒险之旅:霍比屯目前正在进行的开发项目 Venture Beyond The Door: Construction on the Movie Set

    A major and very exciting development project is underway on the movie set.

    From December 2023, visitors will be able to venture beyond the door and into an authentic Hobbit hole interior as part of our tour experiences. 


    从 2023 年 12 月起,作为我们导览游体验的一部分,游客将能够走进大门,进入霍比特人房屋的内部。

    The project will see the hillside of the current Bagshot Row shared by three existing Hobbit Hole facades excavated and transformed into a series of themed rooms, cosy enough for a family of Hobbits. The concept designs feature two almost identical hobbit hole interior experiences built side by side so visitors will be led through one of two entry and exit doors to allow for a more intimate experience inside the Hobbit Hole.

    Each interior will feature an entry hall, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and dining area, an equipped pantry and a parlour complete with a crackling fireplace to provide guests with a fully immersive experience. 


    概念设计以联排建造的两所几乎完全相同的霍比特人房屋内部体验为特色,由此游客将被引导通过两个入口和出口的其中之一,在霍比特人洞内享受更独特的体验。 每个房屋内部均设有玄关、两间卧室、一间浴室、一间厨房和用餐区、一间设备齐全的食品储藏室和一间配有壁炉的客厅,为每位游客提供完全沉浸式的体验。

    During construction, there will be some effect on tours through the movie set. Construction began in April 2023, with the development expected to be completed by the end of 2023. Tours will continue as normal throughout this period but will take an alternate route around the construction zone from April onwards, while being able to get a special glimpse of the project as it unfolds.

    施工期间,会对电影外景地游览造成一定影响。 工程于 2023 年 4 月开始,预计将于 2023 年底完成。在此期间,导览游将照常进行,但从 4 月起将在施工区域周围采用替代路线,同时也能够在游览过程中一睹新项目的风采。

    The main impact on tours during construction will be the route you follow on the movie set for your guided tour. From April onwards you will be guided around the construction zone and therefore will not be able to see Bagshot Row as it previously appeared, including Samwise Gamgee’s home. There will also be some construction noise and machinery on Set as our team work away at transforming the hillside.

    施工期间对游览的主要影响是景区导览游采取的行进路线。 从 4 月起,您将在导游的带领下游览施工项目的附近区域,因此会无法看到袋边街以前的样子,包括山姆的家。 在我们的团队改建山坡部分时,景区里也会有一些建筑噪音。

    Once the Bagshot Row development is complete, all tour experiences at Hobbiton Movie Set will venture beyond the door and into the interior of Bagshot Row. As a result, all tours will be an additional 30 minutes in duration and pricing for our tour experiences will change to reflect this more immersive offering. 

    The price increase will be effective 1 December 2023 and is now available to book via our website.

    一旦袋边街的项目完工,霍比屯电影外景地的所有导览体验都将焕然一新,并可以进入到袋边街的内部。 因此,所有导览游的时长都将增加 30 分钟,我们的价格也会随之调整,以对应这种更加沉浸式的服务体验。

    价格上涨将于 2023 年 12 月 1 日生效,现已可通过我们的网站预订。

  • 预订条款和条件 Booking Terms & Conditions


    • 请注意,进入霍比屯电影外景地的唯一方式是参加导览团。 电影外景地位于私人领地上,这里仍然是一个运营中的农场。
    • 所有价格均为零售价并为新西兰元。
    • 所有价格均包含消费税。
    • 导览游和其他活动可在任何天气条件下进行,会在下雨时提供雨伞。 如果出现极端天气情况,我们保留做出其他替代安排的权利。
    • 霍比屯电影外景地每天开放导览游服务,圣诞节除外。 请浏览导览游页面,查看您期望的游览日期的导览游余位情况。
    • 如使用新西兰金卡,兑换实体票的时候必须出示,且仅适用于通过霍比屯电影外景地直接预订霍比屯电影外景地导览体验。 不接受国际老年人卡。
    • 家庭票仅适用于我们的 2 小时霍比屯电影外景地导览之旅,且仅适用于通过霍比屯电影外景地直接预订。 家庭通票仅适用于 2 名成人(17 岁以上)和 2 名青少年(9-16 岁)。
    • 根据我们与电影公司的许可协议,在景区拍摄的任何照片和视频仅供个人使用,不得以获取商业利益为目的,进行销售或分发。
    • Please note the only way to access Hobbiton Movie Set is on a guided tour. The movie set is located on private property and is operated as a working farm.
    • All prices are retail and in New Zealand Dollars.  
    • All prices are GST inclusive.
    • Tours and activities operate in all weather conditions with umbrellas provided in the event of rain. In the event of extreme weather conditions we reserve the right to make alternative tour arrangements.
    • Hobbiton Movie Set is open every day excluding Christmas day. Please refer to experiences pages to view tour availability for your preferred travel date.
    • New Zealand Gold Cards must be cited upon check-in to honour this fare type and are only available for direct bookings made with Hobbiton Movie Set. International Seniors Cards are not accepted.
    • Family Pass tickets are only available for our 2 hour Hobbiton Movie Set tour and are only available for direct bookings made with Hobbiton Movie Set. The Family Pass is only valid for 2x Adults (17+) and 2x Youth (9-16 years). 
    • Photos and video recordings taken at Hobbiton Movie Set are for personal use only and are not to be sold, distributed or used for commercial gain due to our contracts with the film companies.


    • 请至少在预定游览时间前 20 分钟办理门票兑换,除非您的预订确认信中另有说明。
    • 导览团出发时间前 5 分钟将停止办理所有门票兑换手续。
    • 如果您未在导览团预定出发时间前 5 分钟办理门票兑换手续,您的预订可能会被移至下一个仍有余位的导览团时间或日期,具体取决于您预订的导览团类型。
    • 快迟到了? 请尽快联系我们的团队。 越早联系我们越好,以便我们为您的预订寻找适合的选择。
    • Please check-in at least 20 minutes prior to your scheduled tour time unless otherwise specified on your booking confirmation.
    • Check-in for all tours closes 5 minutes prior to your scheduled tour departure time.
    • If you do not check-in 5 minutes before your scheduled tour departure time, your booking may be moved to the next available tour time or date, depending on your tour experience. 
    • Running late? Please contact our team as soon as possible. The more notice the better so we can look at options for your group.


    • 如果您需要更改预订,请联系我们的团队。
    • 最迟可以在预定游览时间开始前 2 小时进行更改。
    • 我们的导览团可以提前预订。如果您需要更改预订,我们建议您尽早更改。
    • 请注意,预订的修改需视导览团余位情况而定。 如果您想选择的时间或日期没有空余位置,则适用我们的预订取消政策。
    • 缺席:如果您没有通知我们的团队并且未能办理预定的导览游检票手续,您的预订将被取消,且不予退款。
    • If you need to make changes to your booking, please contact our team.
    • Amendments can be made up to 2 hours before your scheduled tour time. 
    • Our tours can book out well in advance. If you need to make changes to your booking, we recommend doing so as soon as possible.
    • Please note, amendments to your booking are subject to availability. If your preferred tour time or date is not available, our below cancellation policy applies.
    • No shows: If you do not advise our team and fail to check in for your scheduled tour experience, your booking will be cancelled with no refund given. 

    Cancellation Policies



                 出发前 24 小时以上取消           全额退款

                 出发前 24 小时内取消               不予退款


                 出发前 72 小时以上取消           全额退款

                 出发前 72 小时内取消                不予退款


                 出发前7天以上取消                  全额退款

                 出发前 7 天以内取消                   不予退款


    如果您预订了霍比屯电影外景地之旅,并且您的旅行计划受到新冠疫情隔离要求的影响,我们可以为您的预订提供全额退款。 或者我们可以将您的预订移至其他日期又或是将您的预订转为有效期为 12 个月的等值礼券。


    请注意,霍比屯电影外景地保留调整导览游体验和/或拆分大型团队为小型导览团的权利,以确保我们能够在运营时遵守新西兰政府的要求。 更多有关我们当前采取的新冠疫情预防措施的更多信息,请单击此处

    为了保护我们员工和客人的健康和安全,霍比屯工作人员保留拒绝任何表现出明显新冠肺炎(包括但不限于发烧、咳嗽和呼吸急促)症状的人员进入我们的场地和参加导览游的权利。 如果您或您团队中的任何人员出现症状,请在到达之前通过电话或电子邮件告知我们的工作人员。

    If you have made a booking on a Hobbiton Movie Set Tour and your travel plans are affected by COVID-19 isolation requirements, we can provide a 100% refund on your booking. Alternatively, we can move your booking to another date or transfer the value of your booking to a Gift Voucher valid for 12 months.

    To cancel, postpone or transfer your booking to a voucher, please contact our team.

    Please note, Hobbiton Movie Set reserves the right to adapt our tour experience and/or split large groups in order to ensure we can comply with NZ Government requirements on the date of operation. For more information on our current COVID-19 precautions in place please click here. 

    To protect the health and safety of our staff and customers, Hobbiton staff reserve the right to deny entry to our venues and tour experiences to any persons who are exhibiting any obvious COVID-19 symptoms (including but not exclusive to fever, cough and shortness of breath). If you or someone in your group are experiencing symptoms, please advise our staff immediately via phone or email before arriving onsite.


    • 图像和视频:由于知识产权限制以及我们与电影公司之间的协议,严禁通过从霍比屯电影拍摄地所取得的拍摄图像或视频中获取任何商业收益或进行销售。
    • 私人活动预订:所有针对私人活动预订的取消或修改咨询都必须通过我们的活动协调员进行,且不在上述政策的涵盖范围内。
    • 退款:除非另有说明,退款将退回到最初预订时使用的银行卡上。 退款最多可能需要 20 个工作日才会回到您的帐户中。
    • 无人机:霍比屯电影外景地属于私人财产。除非获得土地所有者的明确许可,否则不允许使用无人机。
    • Images and Video: Any sales or commercial gain from images or video captured at Hobbiton Movie Set is strictly prohibited due to intellectual property restrictions and our agreements with the film companies. 
    • Private Events: All cancellation or amendment queries for Functions and Events must go through our Events Coordinator and are not covered under the above policies.
    • Refunds: Unless instructed otherwise, refunds will be processed onto the card used at time of original booking. Refunds can take up to 20 working days to appear in your account.
    • Drones: Hobbiton Movie Set is on private property. Drone use is not permitted unless express permission is obtained from the landowners. 


    根据 2013 年新西兰酒精销售和供应条例的规定,霍比屯电影外景地要求所有客人能够出示有效身份证件,以便从我们的场地获得酒精饮料。


    • 目前持有的护照
    • 新西兰驾驶执照
    • 新西兰18岁+ 卡


    • 海外驾驶执照
    • 国际驾驶执照
    • 学生证
    • 青年旅游卡
    • 护照、18 岁+卡或新西兰驾驶执照的复印件
    • 任何过期的护照、18 岁+卡或新西兰驾驶执照

    霍比屯电影外景地保留调整或更改上述条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知。 上次审核时间为 2022 10 月。

    Hobbiton Movie Set require all customers to produce a form of valid ID in order to be served alcohol from our venues as directed by the New Zealand Sale and Supply of Alcohol Regulations 2013.

    The following forms of ID are accepted:

    • Current Passport
    • New Zealand Drivers License
    • Hospitality New Zealand 18+ Card

    The following form of ID cannot be accepted:

    • Overseas Drivers Licence
    • International Drivers License
    • Student Card
    • Youth Travel Card
    • Photocopy of your Passport, 18+ Card or NZ Drivers License
    • Any Passport, 18+ Card or NZ Drivers License that is expired

    Hobbiton Movie Set reserves the right to adapt or make changes to the above Terms and Conditions with no notice given. Last reviewed October 2022.

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